Saturday, November 13, 2010

Welcome, Winter!

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.
Pietro Arentino, Italian author/poet 1492 - 1556

Winter has arrived in the northland in all its glory - and fury. I woke this morning to find that the world had turned white overnight. Naked trees have donned frosty coats of snow, bowing low,swaying to the rhythm of the winds. Angry waves tumble across the lake, determined to keep layers of ice from silencing their energy. The Canadian geese have already given up the fight, loudly organizing themselves into formation for their annual flight south.

Soon there will be silence, solitude, as we drift into a winter's frame of mind. Soon we will turn our attention inward, taking time to reflect. Time to sit by the fire with a good book, perhaps to take an online course, to learn something new. Time to think about our lives and plot future directions.

As we turn inward, winter has a way of unleashing our creativity. As the snow falls, I'm drawn to my writing. My characters seem to come to life more readily in the winter than in any other season. Plots thicken.

I'm already hard at work researching my next several novels...and making plans to visit the destinations where they will be set. Of course, I'm doing a sequel to my "Waters of the Dancing Sky" which will be set again on Rainy Lake. Other destinations include Galveston, Texas; Virginia City, Montana; and Walnut, Iowa.

Here's to winter! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Stay tuned - and please stay in touch.

Janet Kay