Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Have you ever wondered if there is life after death? If it possible for us to penetrate that veil separating the land of the living from the world of the dead? And...what about reincarnation? Is this possible...or simply a figment of our imaginations?
As I pondered these intriguing possibilities and did my research, my latest novel, THE SISTERS, began to materialize. My fictional characters took on a life of their own - sometimes leading me into places I'd never before dared to venture.
I'm pleased to announce that my agent recently placed my paranormal/psychological suspense novel with World Castle Publishing. It is now out there on, Barnes & Noble, and available at many bookstores throughout the country.
THE SISTERS is the story of Bella and Jimmy, long-lost soulmates who rediscover each other in a chance encounter that forever changes their lives. Jimmy, however, is already engaged to marry Bella's sister, Veronica.
Heartbroken, they continue along their destined paths in this lifetime - journeys that flow from historic Galveston Island on the Gulf of Mexico to the frozen depths of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota. Along the way, they are confronted with experiences that simply defy explanation.
The sisters, torn apart by their secret love for the same man, spend years feuding. It is only upon Jimmy's death that they discover secrets buried within a past life they once shared. Secrets that may help them to unravel this bizarre love triangle that has haunted them for so long.
Can they find a way to heal, to forgive, and to break free from the karma that has haunted them for an eternity?
"Janet Kay is a gifted storyteller who enthralls her readers with her brilliant imagination and alluring plots. You won't be able to put this book down!" Stacie Theis, Beach Bound Book Reviewer
I hope you will consider checking this out. For more information, see my website -
Please stay tuned and stay in touch.
Janet Kay
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Saturday, April 28, is a special day in the world of books for book lovers everywhere. National Indie Bookstore Day is celebrated at bookstores throughout the country. Many offer book signings, talks by local authors, refreshments, prizes and lots of fun activities.
It's a great way to call attention to local bookstores. A great day to find some bargains and support your local businesses.
"They are not just stores," according to the IndieBookstoreDay website, "They are community centers run by passionate readers. Lively performance spaces - and quiet places where aimless perusal is a day well spent. In a world of tweets and digital downloads, bookstores are not a dying anachronism. They are living breathing organisms that continue to grow and expand."
One of the things I love about the indie bookstores up here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin is the fact that each is unique. Many are located in historic buildings with a story of their own to tell. Each has a unique character. It's a place where everyone knows your name and what kinds of books you love. A place to curl up in a comfortable chair and read your latest acquisition on a cold winter day while listening to soft music in the background. A place to belong.
Some of my local favorites include The Apostle Islands Booksellers in Bayfield, WI, just a hop, skip and a jump from Lake Superior. You can hear the waves lapping - or crashing- against the shoreline as you browse their wonderful selection of books. On Saturday, they are featuring several local celebrity authors, along with refreshments. The winter scene above is a photo of this historic bookstore.
Then there is Hole-In-The-Wall Books and Records, a new store in another historic building on Main Street in Hayward, Wisconsin. It's a perfect place to stop and browse while strolling along Hayward's Main Street with its unique shops and wonderful restaurants. (Pictured in second photo above.)
Redbery Books in the quaint community of Cable, Wisconsin is another favorite. An excellent eatery and coffee shop is located on the premises - the perfect place for a coffee break and time to read a good book. They are offering author readings, refreshments and prizes.
Northwind Book & Fiber in Spooner, WI (pictured in last photo above) boasts an impressive variety of books, including many by local authors. Many readers also enjoy book signings, the yarn shop and classes in various crafts. On Saturday, there will be activities for the kids along with drawings for prizes and refreshments.
Just across the bridge in Duluth, Minnesota there are several very interesting indie bookstores.Zenith Bookstore on Central Ave carries an excellent assortment of new and used books and holds numerous author events and other activities. And Fitgers Bookstore is located in the historic Fitgers Brewery on the shores of Lake Superior. It is a delightful place to shop for books and visit with local authors giving presentations and holding book signings. Why not take a tour of the old brewery at the same time and indulge in lunch at one of their fine restaurants?
Whatever your plans are for this coming Saturday, April 28, I hope it will include a stop at your favorite local independent bookstore!
Stay tuned and please stay in touch.
Janet Kay
Friday, April 13, 2018
"Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow as well." Mark Twain
OK, so it's been a long time...a really long time...since I've posted on my blog. I've been trying to come up with a good excuse. Like, I have been working on another novel, THE SISTERS, which will be released April 30th by World Castle Publishing. And I have, of course, needed to do lots of traveling to some exciting places where I may (or may not) decide to set a future novel. Location and historical research takes lots of time, right?
I tell myself that although I may not be blogging...or even writing...I AM THINKING about the novels and blog posts I will write someday. Maybe tomorrow...maybe next week. Great ideas are (hopefully) bubbling up and incubating in my mind as I walk through the woods or beside the ocean.
As I scold myself for ignoring my blog, I rationalize. With the millions of blogs out there everyday, who has time to read them? Mine will certainly get lost in the endless sea of bloggers competing for attention. Why bother? Certainly I have other things to do - things like polishing my silverware or cleaning the toilet!
Yes, I was obviously suffering with a severe case of "Blogger's Block!"
Then one day I ran into an old writer friend of mine. "What happened to your blog?" he asked me, " I always used to enjoy reading it."
That made me think. Maybe it is time to get back to blogging about my writer's journey and travels through life. Maybe it is time to post some of the photos and historical information about Galveston Island, the place where I set my new novel, The Sisters.
I'm back! And I look forward to hearing from you.
Please stay tuned and stay in touch.
Janet Kay
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Photo by Jacquelin LaVonne
Have you ever spent a leisurely afternoon gazing up at fluffy clouds drifting through a sunny sky, changing into various shapes, sometimes into eerie dark formations? What did you see? Perhaps we each see something a little different as our imaginations soar - images based upon who we are, what we believe, and our experiences in life.
I personally love the image above of "angel clouds" captured by my dear friend, Jacquelin LaVonne, over Lake Kakagi in Ontario on a fishing trip with her late husband shortly before he died. The other image, of vivid clouds floating over an old barn, evokes a sense of nostalgia for days gone by. Imagine what life was like in those days...
Children frequently have the gift of imagination, something that we, as adults, tend to forget about as we grow older and busier with the demands of life. Children engage in pretend play, fantasy games, and some even have imaginary friends. It saddens me to think that many of us tend to outgrow imagination - one of life's greatest treasures, I think.
What is imagination exactly? Wikipedia defines it as "the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight or hearing." I believe that it frequently involves superimposing the spiritual/intuitive realm upon the "real" world as we know it. But...what is real and what is not??
Why is imagination important? Because it opens up endless possibilities for the future. Because it allows us to go above and beyond the physical world as we know it. To learn. To explore. To create. Sometimes to escape from the problems in our lives as we imagine a brighter future - the first step to creating that future.
As a writer - and a reader - imagination is one of the things that I value most. I love authors like William Kent Krueger who have the ability to blend fact and fantasy into amazing stories that draw the reader into imaginary worlds. His recent release, Windigo Island, revolves around the theme "In every human being, there are two wolves constantly fighting. One is fear and the other is love." These words of wisdom come from Henry Meloux, the ancient Ojibwe Mide in this novel. Imagination at its' best!
As for me, I continually strive to develop my imagination, to get out of the way of my rational mind and let it flow. One of the greatest compliments I've received was in a book review by Stacie Theis of Beachbound Books. She wrote, "Janet Kay is a gifted storyteller who enthralls her readers with her brilliant imagination and alluring plot. Amelia 1868 is a story you won't be able to put down!" Thank you, Stacie!
Let's all step back to the days of our childhood and let our imaginations soar once more!
Please stay tuned and stay in touch.
Janet Kay
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.Albert Einstein
Have you ever spent a leisurely afternoon gazing up at fluffy clouds drifting through a sunny sky, changing into various shapes, sometimes into eerie dark formations? What did you see? Perhaps we each see something a little different as our imaginations soar - images based upon who we are, what we believe, and our experiences in life.
I personally love the image above of "angel clouds" captured by my dear friend, Jacquelin LaVonne, over Lake Kakagi in Ontario on a fishing trip with her late husband shortly before he died. The other image, of vivid clouds floating over an old barn, evokes a sense of nostalgia for days gone by. Imagine what life was like in those days...
Children frequently have the gift of imagination, something that we, as adults, tend to forget about as we grow older and busier with the demands of life. Children engage in pretend play, fantasy games, and some even have imaginary friends. It saddens me to think that many of us tend to outgrow imagination - one of life's greatest treasures, I think.
What is imagination exactly? Wikipedia defines it as "the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight or hearing." I believe that it frequently involves superimposing the spiritual/intuitive realm upon the "real" world as we know it. But...what is real and what is not??
Why is imagination important? Because it opens up endless possibilities for the future. Because it allows us to go above and beyond the physical world as we know it. To learn. To explore. To create. Sometimes to escape from the problems in our lives as we imagine a brighter future - the first step to creating that future.
As a writer - and a reader - imagination is one of the things that I value most. I love authors like William Kent Krueger who have the ability to blend fact and fantasy into amazing stories that draw the reader into imaginary worlds. His recent release, Windigo Island, revolves around the theme "In every human being, there are two wolves constantly fighting. One is fear and the other is love." These words of wisdom come from Henry Meloux, the ancient Ojibwe Mide in this novel. Imagination at its' best!
As for me, I continually strive to develop my imagination, to get out of the way of my rational mind and let it flow. One of the greatest compliments I've received was in a book review by Stacie Theis of Beachbound Books. She wrote, "Janet Kay is a gifted storyteller who enthralls her readers with her brilliant imagination and alluring plot. Amelia 1868 is a story you won't be able to put down!" Thank you, Stacie!
Let's all step back to the days of our childhood and let our imaginations soar once more!
Please stay tuned and stay in touch.
Janet Kay
Amelia 1868,
author blog,
Janet Kay,
William Kent Krueger
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Once Upon A Time...
Ireland, The Emerald Isle
We felt as if we were stepping into a fairy tale world - a mystical world steeped in folklore and ancient traditions - as we explored this fascinating country last month. Ireland had always been a priority on my "bucket list." Now Sherry and I were turning dreams into reality.
Once we learned to drive on the "wrong" side of the road and successfully navigate all the round-a-bouts in the cities, we began to relax and enjoy the incredible beauty that surrounded us. Lush green rolling pastures dotted with sheep and newborn baby lambs. Steep cliffs plunging down to the sea. Eerie fog, mist, howling winds and wild waves. Majestic medieval castles and ancient monastery ruins. Remnants of old stone houses and castles that had seen better days.
Ireland is a land steeped in history, a country proud of its heritage. We saw old druid settlements dating back several thousand years. Ancient burial mound sites 5,800 years old - older than Stonehenge or the Egyptian pyramids. We walked through "fairy rings" of old stone, listening to tales of the fairies and leprechauns that once lived here, they say. Standing quietly at these ancient sites, you can almost feel the spirits of the past - spirits that seem to linger in the gnarled old trees that have assumed distorted shapes over the centuries.
After exploring the nooks and crannies along the tiny winding roads, we enjoyed retiring to one of the old Irish pubs. We were happy to sit by the fire in these old stone buildings, some with thatched roofs, as we chatted with the friendly locals who were happy to share tales about Irish legends and their lives. The Irish people seem to have a magical quality about them - happiness, contentment, a more leisurely pace of life. They welcome strangers, going out of their way to help, even to walk us around town to show us special places.
Ireland is like a little slice of heaven for writers like me. It is saturated with inspiration just waiting to be released onto the page. No wonder so many prolific writers lived and worked in Ireland. James Joyce, William Butler Yeates, J.R. Tolkein, Bram Stoker to name a few.
We learned that J.R. Tolkein derived inspiration for his work through his many visits to The Burren, a surreal barren stone landscape that reminds one of the moon. Bram Stoker wrote his 1897 novel, Dracula, while living in Dublin. We toured Dracula's castle in Dublin, just across the street from his boyhood home. This is where he gained inspiration for his famous novel.
It is obvious why writers, artists and many others are drawn to this country. One cannot leave without having seriously expanded his or her concept of time. Irish history seems to go back forever, providing deep roots that have sustained the Irish people through many difficult periods of time.
Hiking along the top of the famous Cliffs of Moher, gazing down at the churning sea, I was struck with the magnitude of the universe, of time that had no beginning and no end. It made me realize how tiny our lives really are in the big picture of life. How insignificant our little problems are. I think the Irish people understand this far better than many of us in this world.
As I leave the fairy tale world of Ireland behind me, I take with me lessons that will help me view life in a slightly different way. Ideas to integrate into my novels. And a bit of that Irish magic from the land of the leprechauns! I leave you with an Irish prayer:
May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you, and May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
Please stay tuned and stay in touch.
Janet Kay
author blog,
fairy tales,
Janet Kay
Monday, November 10, 2014

"The leaves of memory seemed to make a mournful rustling in the dark." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
After my mother died in 2008, we searched her house for the family history book she was writing. Her last mission on earth, she told us. Her legacy to her family. We eagerly anticipated the family stories she would have written - stories that would hopefully fill in some of the gaps in our family history and solve a few mysteries.
We searched every nook and cranny, over and over again. All we found was a blank journal. Not a word had been written! We were stunned. She had been, after all, the last remaining family member of her generation.There was nobody else to ask questions of. Memories would be lost forever. Some family secrets had apparently gone to the grave with her.
Thankfully, she had at least compiled hundreds of old photos, labeling names and dates on the back. Some of these people were virtual strangers to me. And she'd left a notebook of genealogical data as well as a file of her favorite quotes, poems and words of wisdom that she wanted shared with her family.
It was a start - and a prompt from beyond the grave - for me to take over the task of writing our family history. I was, after all, the writer in our family. "Do it now!" her spirit whispered urgently in my ear.
I began my lengthy journey into the past, and what a trip it was! It included genealogical research with the help of, interviewing family members, pouring over records in historical libraries, and several incredible journeys to Sweden and the Czech Republic, homes of my ancestors. I hired professional genealogists through to locate specific villages where my ancestors lived hundreds of years ago - even their homes (or remnants thereof) and their churches.
I also did extensive research to develop the historical context. What was life like in those days? Why did my ancestors make the decisions they did - particularly leaving their homelands for America? What was their culture like, their traditions, and their values? My goal was to bring these people to life.
It was a long journey full of challenges, surprises and rewards. I sometimes laughed - sometimes cried - as I learned valuable lessons about these faces from the past. Old photos that were once relatively meaningless came to life. I now feel like I know these people. This process has actually helped me to understand myself and my own family better.
My family history is complete and being published - my legacy to my children and grandchildren. No, it's not my mother's story or those of my children, although I've included a great deal of their information. It is my truth, based on my recollections and all that I've learned through my research. Truth is, after all, subjective, based upon one's personal experiences and the lens through which we each view our world.
I encourage you all to think about researching and writing your family history - before it's too late to ask questions of your elders. As my mother told me, "Do it now!"
Stay tuned and please stay in touch.
Janet Kay
author blog,
family history,
Janet Kay
Friday, October 10, 2014
"Let life be as beautiful as summer flowers
and death as beautiful as autumn leaves."
Rabindranth Tagore
The first anniversary of the death of a loved one can be a difficult time for anyone. Memories swell, crashing over you like angry waves or gentle ripples, sometimes a little of each. How do you cope with a day like this?
Yesterday was the first anniversary of the death of Len, my best friend and partner for 35 years. I felt I needed to do something special to acknowledge the day, aside from putting a new autumn floral arrangement on his gravestone. I decided to get into my car and go for a ride to see the beautiful fall leaves, something we often did together. As my car meandered its way along winding country roads, his favorite Willie Nelson songs magically popped up on my radio.
After making a few stops to try to capture the beauty of the season with my camera, I found myself at the casino where Len and I had often enjoyed the buffet lunch and playing the slot machines. We typically lost about $25 each before we called it a day and began a leisurely drive back home. In fact, I frequently took him to the casino to celebrate his birthday. Now I was going alone - to mourn his death.
As I pondered the stark contrast between celebrating a birth and mourning a death, it suddenly struck me that birth and death are actually the same thing - if you look at it from a different angle, within a broader perspective. Len's death on earth was actually his birth in heaven. Perhaps I should be celebrating his first birthday on the other side of life instead of mourning the first anniversary of his death on earth...
It had been time for him to shed his deteriorating earthly body, his time to "go home" again. But his spirit lives on in many mysterious ways. That includes within our memories and in the hearts and souls of those he left behind.
Wiping back a few lingering tears, I looked up at the startling beauty of autumn leaves swirling overhead. And I whispered "Happy Birthday, Len."
Stay tuned and please stay in touch.
Janet Kay
author blog,
coping with death,
Janet Kay,
love and loss
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